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  3. It’s Show Time for Pax Japonica.

It’s Show Time for Pax Japonica.

This week, my colleague in charge kindly found out my first book written in English and to be released in June from UK (and in August from US) is just listed on AMAZON.com. To be honest, I was astonished because I’ve been still working on revision of the book’s text with my publisher!

The Publisher, Lid Publishing, announced on the AMAZON.com what content my new book includes as follows:

Japan, the world s third largest economy and its largest creditor nation, has been in crisis for more than two decades. Its economy has been depressed or in recession in much of that period, its banking sector in a critical state, and its public sector burdened by recurring fiscal deficits and mounting debt. Today, the hegemonic role in global trade and financial markets has been assumed by the USA and China. Yet, this book argues that a possible future Pax Japonica one in which Japan will overcome its paralyzing debt and once again play a leading role in global finance can become a reality. Leading international strategist Takeo Harada provides new and astounding insight into Japan s hidden role as designated controller of large often secret funds kept for the purpose of rescuing humankind from ultimate disasters. For this reason, Japan s role in the global economy can never be under-estimated and remains critical to its progress.

Wow! Fantastic! Check it out and don’t forget to make a reservation online (Since the book will be published in the early summer as I mentioned above.).

In the course of time, one my elder mentors in the INTEL world suggested I should gradually close my mouth and rigorously categorize the readership and clients according to their significance to my project “Pax Japonica”. The audience in general should be provided only with general information, while those who makes non-disclosure agreements in written forms may access to classified information(機密)I have. And only for the few selected people (particularly here in Japan), the strictly confidential intelligence (厳密)is reserved. Well, the time when I’ll have to totally shut up to the public will come soon, I suppose.

In this mean, the above-shown book entitled “Pax Japonica” could be my last book in the world. Again, don’t forget to reserve it on the AMAZON.com.


