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  3. At the Dawn of the Forthcoming Chinese New Year.

At the Dawn of the Forthcoming Chinese New Year.

While I’ve been checking how actively our clients react on the products we released a few days ago, I have the feeling they think the recent upward trend of the financial market to be ended. Plus, they might be in fear of tightened regulations of the Chinese financial authority, particularly vis-à-vis Bitcoin.

Well, taking this opportunity, I’d say “NO. You’re wrong.” Every serious institutional investor is quite aware of the fact the market is about to soar again from the very end of this January. Meanwhile, the market pretends as if it totally depends on volatilities which seem to be uncontrollable.

However, as one of the leaders from the House of Rothschild reportedly said, the world history is being made not in a party but in a battlefield where everyone is enthusiastically trying to survive. It’s also the case for the present time.

In addition, a typical Japanese anomaly should be taken into account. While the Diet is held, the GOJ is urged to take “appropriate” measures to make the Japanese stock market go up. The next session will get started on January 20. I hope you’ve already understand what I mean to say herewith.

Well, the question is “to decide, or not to decide right now”. Wish you a great success in the midst of the Chinese New Year ahead, which usually makes the global financial market extremely exciting (BTW, Bitcoin, which sharply fell due to the “spot check” by the Chinese authority, has already started to rebound.). Good luck.





