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  3. Why and How Did I Become a Flying Dutchman?

Why and How Did I Become a Flying Dutchman?

There is indeed a plenty of people surrounding me in Japan, who are really well-educated. However, it’s really hard for me to find “the one” who can share my feeling, thoughts and ideas without any difficulties. I’m fully aware of the famous oracle made by neuro linguistic programming (NLP), which both biologically and psychologically points out every human brain has its own “map”. Nobody can understand someone else. Yes, I know it.

The higher your living standard becomes, the more difficulties you must have in this direction. When you successfully become entrepreneur and corporate owner, the difficulties is maximized. You feel then totally isolated from those who are surrounding you, and working/living very close to you. At this stage, you will finally make the decision to leave where you are for unknown future.

This is exactly why I myself became a “flying Dutchman”, when I chose Japanese diplomatic service as my first profession. When I was a student, I couldn’t help feeling frustration every day. Of course, it doesn’t mean I didn’t work hard to pass exams I faced. On the contrary, I did really my best and pass the entrance exam of Japanese diplomatic service at the age of 20. Nevertheless, the unsatisfied state in my mind never changed itself in the course of time. I made up my mind to flee to Berlin, the city of destruction and construction.

During my stay in Germany, I encountered works of Heidegger and C. G. Jung. The former, father of existentialism, taught me the origin of “born isolation” in human mind, which you’re never to change. The only way left for the humankind to survive is to live its life based on this unbudging fact. The latter gave me a lifesaver, while he wrote, “Only synchronicity makes you overcome such a born isolation as you have from the beginning of life.” To experience as many synchronicities as possible, I decided to leave what I had done beforehand and jumped into a gravity-free space called “entrepreneurship”.

On my voyage in this gravity-free space, I met a series of people who can share what I’ve written so far. They also feel totally isolated from others, therefore they are always frustrated and unsatisfied. By facing these people, I usually see the dawn of my own next step. The most important thing is, however, to keep a certain distance from these precious men and women for my life. It doesn’t matter how deeply and sincerely you admire and even love them. The point is it’s just ruled by nature that these synchronicity-oriented people are never to collaborate with each other, when they don’t keep distance from each other.

Once I realized this unwritten rule of the universe, I began to check whether those who get to know me also have the same knowledge and experience. Physically viewing, a lot of “people” is passing in our daily lives. Nevertheless, they can collaborate with me, because they aren’t unfortunately men or women of the synchronicity and just exist as they are. While leading my own private company, the up and down in my mind has been always brought about due to this phenomenon.

Sometimes, the Japanese on the street (particularly single women just before middle age) love to refer to how to cause “synchronicity”. By saying that, they just apply their own “rules” and “values” to others and decide whom they should meet or not (Just imagine “婚活 (struggle for marriage)“). They never realize this attitude of self- righteousness won’t connect them with synchronicity. Never ever. To the contrary, openness is the key in this regard.

Getting into the beginning of early summer in this year, I’m now feeling those who encountered me in both business and private life in Japan aren’t unfortunately the very persons of synchronicity in this mean. On the one hand, it’s really regrettable, but I can’t do anything against the fact at all. On the other hand, however, this indicated simultaneously I’m about to encounter next other persons who are then capable to share the synchronicity with me. From the latter half of May, I’ll pay a visit to Shanghai, Paris/Lyon, Kuala Lumpur and St. Petersburg.

At the dawn of what’s completely to change my own life and position in the human society, I just write down how I’ve felt so far. That’s why I became a flying Dutchman.

