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  3. Nagoya Renaissance.

Nagoya Renaissance.

Today’s very early morning, I mean at around 4:30 A.M., I visited the Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya to pray for the peaceful future. Other than in the daytime, the atmosphere was extremely refreshing, and it was really worthy of being visited.

Of course, there is a reason why I paid a short visit to Nagoya at this moment. Recently, our Emperor hinted at his wish to abdicate in an official video. Maybe, you feel it doesn’t matter to you, however, just try to imagine where the Emperor of Japan will set up his residence after his abdication. According to a classified information, he’ll then immediately move to Kyoto, the old capital of Japan.

The point is the following historical custom in Japan: Wherever Japanese emperors lived, the cities were officially called “the capital of Japan”. That is to say, if they moved, the capitals were also moved accordingly. This led us to ask ourselves one simple but significant question. How should we understand, if our “former” Emperor will live in other city than Tokyo, the current modern capital of Japan?

And this question is automatically associated with another one: Do we have to prepare for replacement of our Japanese capital in terms of politics from Tokyo to another city? Until now, members of the Japanese Diet have pretended to enthusiastically discuss the possibility to move the capital from Tokyo. To be honest, however, they never believed it would be possible, and just claimed to change location of some ministries to other cities than Tokyo. Since they never know the secret pact agreed between the Japanese Imperial House and the GHQ after the WWII, they aren’t simply capable of leading the nation to the correct direction in this regard.

According to the above mentioned secret pact between Japan and US, it’s NAGOYA that really matters. The both sides already agreed on replacement of the Japanese capital from Tokyo to Nagoya, if the former will be severely damaged by nuclear weapons. This is exactly the reason why the latter has been developed dramatically. The Imperial House’s secret treasure was continuously allocated to TOYOTA, the leading automobile company in Japan, through Norinchukin, the biggest hedge fund in the world. Thanks to such classified financial assistances, TOYOTA could become so huge that could then make the city of NAGOYA and its suburbs flourish. The genuine (not political but covert) Japanese leadership has been following, therefore, one simple instruction given by the Imperial House and US occupation forces in late 1940s.

Well, the story still lasts. Regardless of the ordinary Japanese in the darkest ignorance of what really happened in the post-war period, the above shown original plan is about to be implemented. Ladies and gentlemen, shall we go to Nagoya together to find out our new residences? Watch out.

