Mr. Wang, Now It’s Your Turn!

Our famous “Great Leader” Kim Jong-un, who was once reported to have passed away, abruptly appeared on DPRK’s state media with his beloved younger sister Yo Jong. Their blood tie is, as I correctly pointed out previously, much more stronger than the rumor some western media enthusiastically spread that the big brother would be soon succeeded by Kim Pyong-il, who have been posted as Ambassador of DPRK to a series of Eastern European countries like “der fliegende Holländer”. Well, the rumor just turned out to be false. The next question we have to work on right now is who stood behind the door of this fake story.
The analysis I’m just going to write down may not be acceptable for the major part of my friends and colleagues living in PRC, however, Japan, my mother country, constitutionally guarantees freedom of speech. Thus, I don’t hesitate to herewith express my own analysis in detail on what actually happened and will take place very soon.
As far as our institute, IISIA, has been correctly informed so far, the real “loser” of the game in terms of the alleged “death” of Kim Jong-un, which was, again, officially denied, is Wang Qishan, Vice President of PRC. The story actually got back to 2018,when I heard from my closest business partner in the global financial market based in Singapore that his prominent team was helping the opposition part of the political leadership against Xi Jingpin in PRC to transfer the huge amount of its money from bank accounts of “Zhongnanhai” to private banks located in Panama. While slightly talking about this issue, my business partner, to whom even Li Ka Shing in Hong Kong invested, called Kim Jong-un a “nasty little but fat boy”. I spontaneously felt that the money to be transferred shall be somehow connected with the next step of DPRK.
The point is the Vice President just is said to have tried to suppress upheavals in Hong Kong with a newly developed B-weapon of virus from a western country, however, in vain. Instead, his subordinate “experts” mishandled the virus and spread it particularly in Wuhan city. This is, according to our institute’s deep throat in Chinese ethnic intelligence sources, the actual beginning of all the events and issues related to COVID-19. Now that you just read this analysis, you can immediately grasp why PRC government is now harshly blaming US for the on-going pandemic, while US government is attacking the former for mishandling the new coronavirus. Yes, as you might have thought so, a major pharmaceutical company based in US succeeded to sell the newly developed virus to Wang Qishan’s team, even though it simultaneously handed over the effective vaccine against COVID-19 to the Chinese client. As far as IISIA is well informed, the vaccine does exist already. Nevertheless, the company pretends as if such a vaccine was never successfully developed so far.
As the forthcoming session of National People’s Congress in PRC is approaching right now, Wang Qishan, who has been regarded as a “good friend of US”, is being forced to execute a feint operation so as not to be officially blamed for the misconduct in terms of COVID-19 virus. Of course, it’s inevitable to take the consequences from the pandemic started from the City of Wuhan. However, if something much more significant and acute as well would take place just before the NPC session, which is announced to be held from May 22 after the recent postponement, all the delegates will concentrate on this new event while underestimating the COVID-19 issues.
The feint operation in terms of Kim Jong-un, who’s obviously NOT a good friend of PRC, failed, and the most important person who knows everything about these issues and events is said to have disappeared. Mr. Wang is left alone and has to think about how to be well prepared for any fatal political attacks from Xi Jinping’s team before and during the NPC session. The question is whether Wang Qishan and his colleagues will soon take the next step of “preemptive attack” against the President. Our institute is at this juncture of the opinion the answer is YES. The approaching session of NPC will set the definitive milestone to the next phase of the Chinese history when the People’s Republic will be divided to four parts.
What we shall do right now to get well prepared for the world without PRC. This is the conclusion of the so-called “China Problem”, on which the western world except for Japan have been traditionally working on from the 19th Century. Stay alarmed. According to our institute’s estimate, the global community together with its financial market will face the next “sea change” from May 12 and reach the climax of the trend on 17. Stay tuned.