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  3. At the dawn of the 2nd Korean War.

At the dawn of the 2nd Korean War.

Because Mike Pence, US Vice President, recently failed to pay a “surprise” visit to Pyongyang for the final “diplomatic” negotiation with Kim Jong-un, USG obviously made up its mind to step forward to its “PLAN B”: The second Korean War. Kim Jong-un isn’t well-educated so that he couldn’t understand why Mike Pence visited the Far East this time. It’s not D. Trump but the US Vice President who’s actually entitled to say the last word in terms of the off-balance-sheet assets to change the world order. Kim Jong-un should take advantage of Pence’s recent visit to the Far Ears and invite him to Pyongyang for the final negotiation. However, the poor pseudo-dictator didn’t know what to do in this context and never changed his “bad” behavior. By the time of the Pence’s visit to the Far East including Japan, my institute supported the analysis that the accelerated tension in the Korean Peninsula would be abruptly swept up thanks to the above-mentioned “surprise” visit of Mike Pence to DPRK. Because he failed to do so, it’s rather the high time for US Armed Forces to attack the pseudo-dictatorship, I think.

Having said that, the question is not “Whether the second Korean War will be break out or not”, but “When will the war break out” and “How should we prepare for the war”. What do you think? Let me tell you my personal opinion as a professional analyst of both global-macro and geopolitical risks briefly as follows:

On the first question of “timing”: We should always stick to the reality that a war can be done only if enough money is prepared. If you don’t have enough money, you can never declare a war to enemies, since you have to pay money to both soldiers and buy a series of weapons. The “allied forces” headed by USG will take the current opportunity to make a war against Pyongyang happen, because they can’t help doing so due to the lasting difficulties in the world economy since 2008. They urgently move on to a new war economy, so that enormous demands will be raised to save the global economy. For this purpose, someone must be sacrificed. It’s the poor North Koreans who are to be selected to play this role. Anyway, as soon as US will succeed to raise enough money, its armed forces suddenly begin a “Blitzkrieg” vis-à-vis Kim Jong-un to show him the fact “This time is completely different from previous games”. The moment of the truth in this context will come between now and the first half of July 2017, my “adaptive unconscious” tells to myself.

On the second question of preparation for the coming war in the Korean Peninsula, some significant factors have to be taken into account: It all depends on another question “How long will the battle be done this time”. If the “allied forces” led by USG will succeed to completely gain supremacy over Pyongyang within a week, what we should prepare as ordinary citizens particularly in Japan is only buying gold bars and selling it once for all, as soon as the gold price is to soar during the war ahead. In this scenario, you don’t need to be concerned about potential involvement in warfare, since all the military high-technologies of US, Russia and PRC will be utilized this time to totally destroy the old-fashioned weapons produced by Kim Jong-un. In short, “Take a little time in advance, and buy gold bars as much as you can”.

Even based on all the things I touched upon so far, I don’t mean to say any single chance will be left for poor Kim Jong-un to achieve a partial victory during the coming war. If we could successfully launch a series of ballistic missiles simultaneously, even US Armed Forces wouldn’t be able to attack all of them. If the war as such will be done as a kind of “covert actions” of US intelligence agencies, some of the ballistic missiles would be controlled by the US side and attack one of its armed forces’ camps located in Japan, for example, in ZAMA, Kanakagawa Prefecture. Even by launching just one ballistic missile without an effective warhead in this way, Japan will be totally shocked and wake up both politically and militarily after having “slept” more than 70 years since the defeat in the WWII. The real and new game towards “Pax Japonica” proclaimed by me will finally get started.

To wrap up: Don’t book flight tickets and reserve rooms in hotels for your summer vacation 2017, before the second Korean War will suddenly and eventually break out. Stay tuned.

