
Who Decides Resignation of Japan’s Prime Minsiter?

In the previous post, I mentioned Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, is about to leave the office due to responsibility for appointing Hiromu Kuroka... 続きを読む


27 May, 2020: The X-Day of PM S. Abe’s Resignation?

In the latest posts, I highlighted geopolitical risks in East Asia will draw attention in the period between ca. 21 and 27 May, 2020. As a possible ca... 続きを読む


Gnosticism and Donald Trump.

Recently, a friend of mine, who is practitioner of “KOTOTAMA” philosophy in US, kindly recommended me to read an article of Washington Post regarding ... 続きを読む


Japan and Freemasonry: Why Pax Japonica Ahead?

Recently, I posted a short essay here, to which various actors in the global community and financial market as well kindly responded. Having read thro... 続きを読む


Mr. Wang, Now It’s Your Turn!

Our famous “Great Leader” Kim Jong-un, who was once reported to have passed away, abruptly appeared on DPRK’s state media with his beloved younger sis... 続きを読む


Dear Great Leader Jong-un and His Beloved Sister.

Recently, western mass media abruptly reported Kim Jong-un, “Great Leader” in DPRK, seems to have fallen into a critical condition after a medical ope... 続きを読む


Resurrection of Japan as Number One in the Post-Corona Phase. Why?

Even though the public opinion can’t fully catch up, some major countries’ governments officially decided they lift parts of tough regulations against... 続きを読む


Japan’s Imperial “Cain and Abel”?

very time I finish to write down articles posted to this official weblog, I used to inform my friends and colleagues working for world-class think tan... 続きを読む


We Need Freedom of Movement (URGENTLY).

I suppose almost all of you read this article at home, since governments of major countries ordered you to stay home as preventive measure against COV... 続きを読む



【テレワークとSlack】 お陰様で大好評を頂いております、弊研究所グローバル・インテリジェンス・ユニット所属のグローバル調査コンサルタントによるリレー連載のコラム。 今回は岩口龍児のコラムを掲載させて頂きます。 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴い在宅勤務を含むテレワークを導入する企業が増... 続きを読む
