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  3. Nobody Knows Where to Go (at Least until Now).

Nobody Knows Where to Go (at Least until Now).

Recently, I couldn’t really manage to make a spare time to write down my thoughts and ideas in this weblog. Due to various obligations I have one by one, I’ve been extremely busy till this weekend. To be honest, I’ve been intentionally doing so, while every both talented and well informed analyst is quite aware something significant will take place not in this October but the forthcoming November in the global community.

Well, what’s next? Do you want to get to know it? The Euro is about to collapse vis-a-vis other hard currencies such as JPY and USA dramatically. The question is what issue will be raised as the decisive cause for the collapse by western mass media. Maybe, it’ll be blown up at first in Spain: The local parliament in Catalonia just declared its independence despite of the central government’s effort to control the whole situation. This could lead us to “Guerra Civil Espanola Version 2.0”, while the Spanish Royal Family doesn’t have firm authority in the country. Once the movement towards local independence in Catalonia will approach to a victory step by step, other controversial movements seeking independence in Europe will be automatically revitalized and, if needed, could be escalated to physical civil wars. Europe will get back to the past when nobody could imagine peaceful integrations among nations. It’s not Euro as such but Europe as unity that matters.

By the way… One of my close friends, who’s just come back from long stay in Monaco for several years, kindly showed my English book newly released from both UK and US, “Pax Japonica. The Resurrection of Japan”, to a prominent lady, who’s well known as a successful private banker and just paid a short visit to Tokyo. According to his words, the lady spontaneously muttered, “He’s insider”, when she read several pages of my book. Yes, you’re right, my lady. Almost all the ordinary readers tend to regard this work just as a book of boring conspiracy theory. Only those who are also “insiders”, are capable of recognizing what I really meant to say by releasing such a controversial book to the global community.

From the viewpoint of an “insider” in this regard, I’ve been extremely interested in the following question: What does truly back the value of JPY? As you fully know, JPY are repeatedly soaring vis-テ-vis other major currencies such as USD, even though the Japanese economy continues to suffer from a variety of difficulties and issues. Why does the “market” pick it up as a “safe haven” in spite of that?

Being asked so, one of my elder mentors, who’s totally hidden from the public but well known as the best practitioners of Old Shintoism, once answered to me: “A huge amount of off-balance-sheet assets are buried not outside but inside Japan. The point is only those who are well trained can see where they are. Can you understand what I mean to say?”

Honestly, I counld’t fully grasp what he meant to say at that time. However, I gradually feel what the reality is behind the door of the genuine Japanese modern history. After the total defeat in the WWII in August, 1945, the Japan’s Imperial House made a decision to become alliance with the US leadership for 100 years. The Alliance is based on the simple rule that Japan is obliged to provide US with liquidities as much as the latter requests. The Japan-US alliance is indeed not a military but financial alliance, that has to be fully backed by physical assets. They must be held by the Imperial House but not known in the public until the day when the next era of Japanese full sovereignty gets started by those who are “insiders” of this story. At least until the day, nobody knows where to go for finding out the assets. Again, only “insiders” become capable of getting back the assets from hidden places and show them to the global community, as the irreversible evidence towards the era of “Pax Japonica”.

Now, you may wonder who are the insiders, and when is the X-Day? Well, let’s see. By the early summer of the next year, you’d feel they’d be coming. Stay tuned.

