The US-DPRK War “Declared”./米朝戦争、遂に「宣戦布告」 - IISIA 株式会社原田武夫国際戦略情報研究所 -
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The US-DPRK War “Declared”./米朝戦争、遂に「宣戦布告」

On September 25, 2017, Ri Yong-ho, Foreign Minister of DPRK, accused US of having declared a “war” just before his departure from NY to Pyongyang.

Eventually, the Second Korean War has just begun. Physical military attacks will soon follow, which will completely change the previous world order.

As I correctly predicted. Be carefully prepared and stay tuned.



2017年9月26日 東京・丸の内にて

(In Marunouchi/Tokyo, on September 26, 2017)

原田 武夫記す

(Takeo HARADA, CEO and Representative, Institute for International Strategy and Information Analysis, Inc.)


