Surfbird Investments社との戦略的業務提携開始のお知らせ
本日、2016年10月25日より、幣研究所は、Surfbird Investments社(本部:アメリカ ロサンゼルス、支店:アメリカ ニューヨーク、中国北京・上海・香港・海南島、CEO:Jennifer Liu)と戦略的業務提携を開始致しました。
The Institute for International Strategy and Information Analysis, Inc.(IISIA located in Tokyo) is pleased to publicly announce that it builds up strategic alliance with the Surfbird Investments located in Los Angeles, America and branched in New York, America, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Hainan, PRC.
Based on the alliance, the institute is expanding and accelerating its professional assistance for the sake of Japanese companies, which intend to boost their business particularly in the Chinese mainland market.