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  3. Why Now Quest for Argentinean Beef?

Why Now Quest for Argentinean Beef?

On November 22, I got back from South America, while I’ve been there for almost one week. Officially, the reason why I was there is quite simple. I just wanted to take part in this year’s APEC CEO Summit in Peru, while I compare it with other similar conferences for global business leaders such as B20. By the way, B20 will hold its first “physical” conference from 1 to 2 December under the German presidency, in which I’ll also participate.

Make sure I just mentioned “officially”. I.e., there was indeed another, much more significant reason why I was there, I mean, in South America. Can you imagine based on what I’ve been reporting through this online column?

As I had expected, nothing inspiring happened during the APEC CEO Summit. A series of “western” celebrities in global conferences such as Mark Zuckerberg, Christine Lagarde and Ian Bremmer were given opportunities to deliver their speeches to the audience, which were awfully boring with repeatedly expressed messages. MZ just screamed, “We urgently need connectivity! Only connectivity saves the world!” CL emphasized, “Only empowerment of women can raise GDP in the global economy.” IB pointed out “Pax Americana is coming to an end. But America remains a super power. Don’t be afraid.” How often did I hear the same stuffs in previous “global” meetings I attended?

Anyway, one thing was made clear to me this time: Globalism was dead. The CEO Summit was full of Chinese participants who could only speak Chinese and were not capable of communicating with foreign guests without Chinese language skills. Whenever they talked to me, they always began to ask me, “您是中国人吗?(Are you Chinese?)” For them, there is obviously one tribe in the whole world, which is proudly called “Chinese”. Why did they rush to Lima this time? They must have been invited by the Chinese authority, while they were given an honorable opportunity to listen to Xi Jinping, President of PRC. They were so excited that they didn’t forget to show well-trained “standing ovation” at the end of their top comrade from Beijing.

No, what I just described was not the stuff which led me to South America. Actually not. The only reason was rather another, much more significant one: The currently accelerating and exceeding climate change on the globe. Particularly for those who’s a new comer to this column, I’ll summarize what’s going on in the climate and human society in the following four points:

-Irregularity of solar activities became irreversible.

-That’s been causing dramatic climate change. In the northern hemisphere, “global cooling” accelerates except for the Arctic Circle, where it’s turned out to be “warming”.

-Due to “cooling” of climate, human bodies are endangered to lose immune strength.

-Everybody begins to hesitate expanding their economic activities, while the global economy per se is shrinking.

The point is, compared with the northern hemisphere, the southern one remains saved, and the center of human civilization is gradually shifting to there. That’s exactly why the British Empire covered many countries and regions in the southern hemisphere, and why the Americans tried to reach out to countries in the southern hemisphere by generous transfer of high technology called “global outsourcing”.

Nevertheless, from my viewpoint, every single country in the southern hemisphere can be nominated as savior of the global economy. Of course, the westerners, as they always do, pretend as if all the countries are well prepared to develop dramatically, which is not the case. For e.g., I’m so sorry to say our Peruvian friends have little chances to change their fundamental status in the world order. You can immediately understand what I mean to say by trying to get local foods there. Whenever you can find only little sorts of local foods, that inevitably indicates that the country and region are not capable of fostering human civilization by nature. This time, I unfortunately made sure that it’s quite the case for Peru.

Compared with Peru, my second stop, Argentina, has obviously tremendous opportunities to develop, which once seemed to be lost for decades after the WWII. Argentina is an experimental, man-made state, while local tribes were massacred. All the people with Argentinean nationality are children of ancestors, who came from outside, particularly Italy, Spain, Germany and Japan. Besides the mixture of cultures and traditions, they have fertile soil which produces splendid foods. Because of this characteristic, the Argentineans were given an opportunity to develop economically till 1920s, whereas their leadership abruptly changed the course, which led the country to both stagnation and political tragedy. That was so ridiculous that any expert can fully explain why. I personally think that these Argentinean leaders with military or ideological backgrounds were forced by the “inner core” of the world order to let down their national economy to wait for “moment of the truth”. Now that the climate change has irreversibly begun, President Macri was elected to get started with Argentinean new era.

To decide whether a certain country or region is promising in this regard, you can simply try to eat “beef” in a local restaurant. By doing so, you can immediately find out the future orientation of the country’s orientation, because beef cattle is fed with either crop or grass. The best quality of beef is always produced with the latter, which is the case in Argentina besides Kazakhstan, where westerners have been trying to penetrate. And the quality of grass is directly generated by local soil, nature product of climate. That’s the genuine “geopolitics” which the Germans developed before the end of WWII. This time, I stayed only 16 hours (!) in Buenos Aires, while I could fully ensure the brilliant future of the once capsuled country. Join me next time to enjoy Argentinean beef in BA. By the way, the next year, B20 meetings are to be held in Argentina. The world keeps on going around. Cheers.
