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  3. Novum Scire. A Future Scenario. (Takeo HARADA, 原田武夫)

Novum Scire. A Future Scenario. (Takeo HARADA, 原田武夫)

Today, we proudly announce to release our institute’s new scenario entitled “Novum scire”.  The Institute of International Strategy anf Information Analysis, Inc., IISIA, releases its strategic and risk scenario for both corporates and retail customers twice a year. This year’s first issue, “Novum scire”, or “Learn somthing new”, includes particularly the following issues:

-The future of the global monetary system. The eternal war between “debt currency” versus “public money” ahead?

-The strategy of the Japanese Imperial House and its secret assets. The continuous and future role of gold.

-Cryptocurrency and Bloackchain: Be prepared for Bitcoin 2.0? The tokenized economy and beyond.

-Why “Pax Japonica” in the very near future? Sovereign crisis and its outcome for the global community.

Check it out with this URL and join us to anticipate the very near future.


本日(27日)、毎年2回、恒例で上梓している予測分析シナリオを弊研究所より上梓した。名付けて「ノーヴム・スキーレ(Novum scire)」、”新しきことを知る”。いよいよ全てが動き出す今年(2018年)に相応しいタイトルを見つけることが出来たと自負している。



2018年1月27日 東京・東銀座にて

原田 武夫記す
