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  3. Love to Live a Decent Life in the Aging Society.

Love to Live a Decent Life in the Aging Society.

There is one thing which all of us can’t avoid: Getting old. However rich you are, doesn’t matter. Or however socially privileged you are, also doesn’t matter at all in this regard. Once we are born on the earth, we’re getting older and older every day.

When you personally face such a simple fact, you never stop thinking about another important thing: “Can I further live a decent life as a human being?” In many cased, it’s already “too late” for us to do so, because something extremely negative has already happened to our life beforehand.

In Japan, we proudly have some professionals who keep eyes on this essential issue. They are working in nursing homes, where a huge amount of elder people is staying either voluntarily or forced to be hospitalized. The main stream media shut eyes on what actually happen in these nursing homes: Treating our elder people as if they were just “animals” without proud and intelligence. The majority of those who work there always justify themselves by pointing out the obvious shortage of human resource in the nursing sector.

But such an argument may not be accepted, while there are indeed some nursing homes in Japan, whose company executives stick to the simple but indispensable principle for the human beings: “Let our elder people live a decent life. Make them enjoy being old until passing away. “

If you take a look at the book entitled “A Bride in a Nursing Home (介護施設の花嫁)” written by Toshiki Yagami with detailed description of every day in esteemed “SOLEADO” nursing homes, you can immediately realize what I mean to say herewith. Do not postpone thinking about the hard but inevitably reality we’re about to face: Getting old. And prioritize to give our elder people the best opportunities to live a decent life. After all, it’s our humanity that tremendously matters and is urgently asked.

