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Emergency Declaration in Japan and Crisis of Water.

Whenever governmental authorities plan to show their powers, nobody can’t keep it secret and we can’t fall asleep till the late night while listening to various rumors and suspicions one after another. It was also the case for yesterday’s night in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Even though Japanese mass media never refers officially, almost all the local journalists and reporters are quite aware the Government of Japan is about to declare the country’s emergency due to the new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) and take a series of tough measures against freedom of the Japanese citizens. According to information I succeeded to collect so far, there are three scenarios, of which the one will be realized very soon as follows:


-Scenario 1: Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo ABE will mention Japan’s emergency declaration during his media conference of today’s evening (from 18:00 JST).

-Scenario 2: The emergence declaration will be released on the forthcoming Monday, 30 March.

-Scenario 3: To avoid any turmoil in the stock and financial market till the end of March, the GOJ will declare Japan’s emergency due to the pandemic on 1 April (NOT as April fool).


The emergency declaration will be released legally based on the amendment to Act on Special Measures concerning Pandemics approved by the Japanese Diet in the middle of this month. The Act prepares three steps GOJ can and may take in accordance with levels of pandemics, while it is supposed to regard the current situation in Japan due to COVID-19 as the second stage and will take strict measures to prevent from the infectious disease’s overshooting.

Well, as far as we observe the situation in a superficial manner, there is nothing particular we should pick up for discussion here. However, in the course of time, I’ve been becoming aware there IS something remarkable behind all the stories concerning “lockdown” and “overshooting” etc., as the following:

-Governments of major countries ridiculously coordinate to take similar measures to combat COVID-19 within the same time framework (from the latter half of March to the end of April) even beyond the difference of political and ideological directions except for PRC.

-As far as our institute, IISIA, is informed, the Government of Russian Federation under the leadership of Vladimir Putin has been regarding the beginning of the forthcoming May (around 9 May, 2020) will be the decisive milestone for the global community as a whole with dramatic change of its entire order.

-Even though Prime Minister Shinzo ABE and his close allies in the Japanese politics made tremendous efforts to hold the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in this year, the Japan’s National Security Secretariat (the Japanese type of “CIA”) seems to have worked rather on this emergency declaration and its relevant measures and policies which would inevitably blocks preparations for the Tokyo Olympiad 2020 and dramatically change the daily life of ordinary people in large cities such as Tokyo. We should wonder who actually leads to do so even against the highest political will.

-Last but not the least, from 17 April, 2020, Japan will de facto hold two “Emperors”. His Imperial Highness Prince Akishino will be officially acknowledged as the heir to the Imperial throne by holding a national celebration. Of course, His Imperial Majesty Emperor of Japan is his brother. However, imagine what will take place if we’ll observe salient differences of both behavior, thought and comment between them. This will be dramatized if the younger brother will sooner or later move his residence to Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan due to the pandemic (together with his brother and mother, Their Majesties Emperor and Empress Emeritus of Japan). The older brother may not and won’t follow them because the Imperial Palace is officially located in Tokyo since the Meiji Restoration.


As long as we remain within the previous framework of thinking, we never figure out what is about to happen in the realities at all, I think. Only if we jump out of it and succeed to include things and issues “out of the box”, we finally find out the coronavirus is just an excuse for the new emerging world which shall be, of course, financed and controlled with every new thing and person.

A wise man, who’s traditionally standing very close the Japanese Imperial Household, kindly suggested to me the key word in this regard is the forthcoming dramatic shortage of “liquidity”. But what liquidity do we have to focus on from now on? A few days ago, the secretariat of World Water Council informed me that I’m appointed to be a part of an Action Group for 9th World Water Forum to be held in late March in Dakar. Deeply thinking about the emerging crisis of “liquidity” we’re about to face, I’ll enthusiastically work on making a brand-new global agenda together with my friends and colleagues of the forum from now on (By the way, His Majesty Emperor of Japan has also enthusiastically committed himself to this issue “water” and the forum.). Stay tuned.
