Capitalism Never Stops.

Since yesterday, I’m staying in Shanghai, PRC. I’m honored to be invited as a panelist in a session of the Shanghai Forum at the Fudan University, one of the leading Chinese universities. Today’s afternoon, I’ll show up in the session and speak out to the audience what I’m thinking about the future of trade structure in East Asia. Other than other prominent participants, I’d rather focus on “philosophical principles” essentially needed to expand such a structure in our region.
Besides an official program of the forum, there is a sufficient room for me this time to enjoy walking around in the city. It was in 1999 when I paid the first visit to Shanghai. Compared with what I experienced at that time, the city was dramatically changed. Here, you can immediately understand that “Capitalism never stops”, even though some scholars such as Thomas Piketty still stick to their pessimistic scenario which claims the end of capitalism. I personally think such a claim with taste of popularism to be arrogance of the western civilization, which believes the capitalism was originated only in the West. The western leaders simply forget there has been indeed a tradition of capitalism here in China and East Asia including Japan, which has been totally different from another developed in the West. Once the latter was merged into the former since the 1990s, a new type of capitalism has been obviously launched and expanded from the East.
In an extension of this historical development, what we have to expect right now is a fight to death between the leaderships of these two different capitalism: The leaderships of overseas Chinese and Jewish financiers. As far as I know thanks to classified information given by those who are directly involved in this affair, the traditional leadership of overseas Chinese reaches the final stage to make up their mind, however, still awaits the most appropriate timing to move forward. Because this gives the world community much more vacuum, what has been recently developed including trends in the stock market will continues for the time being, maybe till the first half of July this year. We’ll face the “moment of the truth” just after that, I believe. One of challenges we may face then is the violent reversal of the global market, which has been claimed enthusiastically by the BIS since the last early summer.
The main battle field will be the PRC, since the above shown two different types of capitalism strive for mastery here. Every single change we’re now experiencing around the world is actually affected by this decisive struggle between the overseas Chinese and Jewish financiers.
Last but not least, my recommendation to the Japanese leadership: Don’t choose one of these leaderships and rather pretend as if Japan is innocent. This kind neutrality will save Japan and lead to establishment of “Pax Japonica”, while both of the foreign leaderships seek an ultimate safe haven in Japan to secure their assets in spite of the historical struggle. Whether the Japanese will bring this to mind, really matters. Stay tuned.